Thursday, March 19, 2009

Experiences in China from Natalee

I am really happy that I got Megan, even though later on we might not get along. To me it seems like that whenver we push something on our Ling Doll, Megan laughs (Ling is a little Chinese doll that speaks some Chinese phrases). I think China is a great place. Beijing is much different from Guiyang City, because many people were selling things in Beijing. And in Guiyang City there is no one around us bothering us (Beijing has many street vendors - peddling to the tourists). Our hotel in Guiyang City is like an apartment.

And I miss my family a lot.

But if I got a place to choose from living in USA or China, I might not know which to choose.

When we are done with something we don't pick it up, because its a hotel and its not our room, so we only have to be tidy at the end of the day. (Random Natalee thought)




  1. Natalee, thank you so much for sharing your ideas with us! It is great to hear from you, and it sounds like you are already being a wonderful Big Sister!

  2. I'm laughing out loud, here! The word verification I had to type for that last post was "calme"! I'm getting a sense that "calm" is NOT the right word to describe your life right now! SOOOO happy for all of you, and continuing to pray for the rest of the trip to go smoothly!

  3. Natalee, thank you for sharing your thoughts. You are the best big sister ever!
    Love, Aunt Sarah

  4. Natalee,

    I'm so glad we got to hear from you about your trip! I'm sure you are doing a great job teaching Megan new things and letting her know how happy you are to have a sister.

    "Ms" Lynette

  5. To Natalee,
    I miss you. I hope you're having a good time in China. You know, I have something from China, too. We have lots of things that we have in our house from China. :) Have you seen any waterfalls in China? I bet you're having fun with your new little sister. I think she's adorable. You know what, Natalee? I saw a play today. I saw the play in the fifth grade's room. It was about an ant that was going to get married to a prince because she was Cinderella. I miss you, Natalee. Have fun in China!
    Love, Madi

  6. Hi Nat -
    Great to hear from you. It sounds like you are having fun and you are a big sister now. We cannot wait to see you. Take care of Mom, Dad, and Megan. Be good. We love you. I read your letter everyday, remember the one you gave me before you left, it is on my refrigerator. Have a great day!
    Hugs and Kisses,
    Grandma Sharon
