Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Hospitalization

Well, here's a first for both Kyle & I - being in the hospital.  No, it was't one of us, it's Megan.  Over a week ago (2/26) she began with chest congestion, cough & such and after two ER visits, two chest x-rays and a visit to her pediatrician she wasn't improving but rather the 2nd chest x-ray showed some worsening of pnemonia.  So...on Friday they admitted her.  She's been dehydrated and has lost at least three pound too.  It's been a long week and an even longer three days. 

Megan is a fighter in many senses of the word.  She has very strong ideas (which can be a great thing when appropriate) but it's been difficult to get her better because she often fights us.  I'm not used to such opposition from my child - it's a whole new parenting ballgame.  But, we're hoping that she will follow instructions the rest of today so she can go home this evening.  Please pray for her recovery, that we will do what is best for her, that the rest of us stay healthy and everyone gets rest. 


  1. Awww...poor Megan! (and Mom and Dad and Natalee, too!) Praying for the discharge later today....and for all of you to get some rest and continue getting stronger!
    Jim and Marcia

  2. We heard about sweet Megan being in the hospital. We are praying that you guys will be able to come home today!

  3. Stubborn? When my third bio child was nine, she was in the hospital and could go home as soon as she had a bm, which meant an enema. Needless to say, that was a fight!

    So sorry to hear about Megan's illness, though-she looks lost in that great big bed. Hopefully she will help you and be home in her own bed right away.

  4. Praying that she starts feeling better soon and she is able to go home today too. Three pounds is a lot for little Megan to lose, poor thing!!

  5. Oh...i'm so sorry!! It's so hard! I hope Megan feels better and life returns to normal soon :)
    Praying for you!
    (just keep thinking that kids that are fighters are going places in their life :))
