Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Learning to navigate together…

Well, my last post was tough… sharing the struggles we’ve faced with M and her trauma.  But, as I posted before, God has given us GRACE!  We’ve also received knowledge and wisdom that we didn’t have before.  Right around the time of my last post, we were searching for some way to help M deal with her anger and trauma.  We found a program through our agency, Bethany, called ADOPTS – it’s a 14 week program of individual counseling/therapy and a support group for 6 weeks.  We’re almost finished and all of us have grown closer together and we’ve learned a ton about trauma, the effects on children, and tools to handle it.  M has grown so much in her trust for us and in handling her emotions.  The road is still bumpy right now, but at least the road blocks are being removed and we’re learning how to navigate together! 


  1. So happy to hear that you have found help; it's hard enough without going it alone.

  2. Wow. What a great program. So glad that it has been helpful.


  3. So happy to hear that things are getting better. Praying for you guys!!

  4. I came to catch up with you when I saw your comment on my blog. You've had some rough months. Hugs to you. thanks for sharing openly the path you have been on. Your faith in God and His goodness shines through the dark places you have been.
