Friday, June 11, 2010

What happened to May?

Ya know...this blog was my attempt to journal about our family journey and in doing so to perhaps inspire or touch someone else through our stories. 


I'm just not very good at it.  Life just seems to happen and my blog takes a back seat.  I guess that can be a good thing though.  As we were waiting to bring Megs home I spent a lot, I mean A LOT of time on the computer searching others blogs, adoption sites, info about toddler adoption and everything.  Many times Nat or Kyle would say something that would remind me that I needed to focus on them too.  So, I guess forgetting to update my blog once in a while is not all bad. 

Disclaimer - For those blogger friends that DO update their blogs with meaningful information, insight and stories on a regular basis - this is NOT meant to say that you are spending too much time on the computer....what it does mean is that YOUR ARE MUCH MORE DISCIPLINED and have figured out how to BALANCE your time better than I have!!  I admire that and I hope to be able to balance time better too and therefore keep a better update going.  Thank you for your examples!

SO...What DID happen to May?

  • Dinner with good friends at our favorite onion ring restaurant then window shopping followed by ice cream!  Great Saturday evening!
  • Grandpa had knee surgery - helped with getting him lunch once home and then to therapy
  • Tulip Time - Nat was once again in the parade with her class and I walked as a chaperone.  Great time together!
  • Daddy & Nat began "Dad & Daughter" dance practice together getting ready for the recital.  Dancing to C*anned Heat - should be good. :)
  • Enjoyed the beautiful spring time together.  One day Megan said, "It's such a beautiful day to play outside."  She is very expressive and really enjoys life!
  • Hosted college friends and their family over Memorial Day.  Although the weather was a bit rainy we had a blast playing W*ii together (even at 2:30 am trying to beat M*ario) - talking, reminiscing, eating - just being together.  And, the best part...the kids get along so well!
Well, that's a quick summary of the month. In short, we've been well taken care of by our Heavenly Father, each day having enough food to eat....clean water to drink....a roof over our heads and a pillow under them....clothes on our and and laughter.  What more could we really ask for?

Here are a few photos to enjoy. :)

Megan riding her big girl bike.  She just hopped on and took off!  :)

Daddy: "Let's close our eyes and look at the back of our eyelids." 
Meg: "Okay, but Dad...I don't see...anything." :)

Mom & Nat at Tulip Time Kinderparade

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