Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We're in the Shanghai Airport

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you all know that we've had a long last few days. My last post on Sunday from Starbucks was the last time I was able to post. Kyle has developed a cold/congestion as well as Megan - Natalee is feeling somewhat better but her fever gave her a rash and just the general not feeling well attitude.

We had a "free" day on Monday and spent it nursing illness and shopping. We were all well enough to join the group for an italian dinner - it was wonderful!! Tuesday we finished some shopping and had our Visa appointment where we had to raise our right hand and say that we swear that all our documents were true and accurate and that we would provide for our children. It was an emotional event for me....after 34 months of's all over! We couldn't be happier with our new family - God is amazing!

Today, April 1st, we left the White Swan at 6 am (up and finish packing at 4am), flight from Guangzhou to Shanghai was at 9:30 am. Arrived at Shanghai and navigated the maze of check in's...had lunch and now are awainging the call to board our plane.

I'm glad the airport had free wi-fi so I could send out this message. Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging comments. Just a little while and we'll be home. We leave Shanghai at 3:35 local time April 1 and we arrive in Atlanta at 6:30 pm local it's pretty much an incredibly long, long flight. I hope everyone stays healthy (Megan threw up just as we were leaving the hotel this morning - ugh.) Then, we leave Atlanta sometime around 8:30 pm and arrive in GR around 10:30 pm.

Off to fly home.....blessings from the Thompsons!


  1. Hi Guys!
    Just thought I would let you know that God woke me from a sound sleep awhile ago, with the impression that I was awake to pray for some people. You were among the names he brought to mind, and after reading this, I know specifically how to pray for you on this long flight home! We drove past your house at about 9:45 tonight, and wondered aloud exactly when you would be back. Praying right now that you will all feel OK in the air...that the cold symptoms will be minimal, and touchy stomachs will calm! Tomorrow night Megan will be sleeping in her new home with her forever family! How cool is that? :) God is good!
    See you in a few days!
    Much love,
    Marcia ( and a sleeping Jim!)

  2. I ma not sure if you will get this before you leave. We will be praying for a safe flight and health for everyone. We will also pray that the flight will got well with the girls and patience for you both on the long flight.
    Can't wait to meet Megan and see you all again.
    Aunt Darlene

  3. Welcome Home!
    We will be praying for you throughout the next few days - during your flight, adjustment to being home, that you all are feeling better and able to rest and adjust back to MI time. We are so very happy for you!
    The Powells

  4. So sorry that you were all sick! By now, you're home. I hope that your flight was uneventful and that you are settling in.
